Lung cancer is not only developed on smokers or people who comes under regular contact of radon gases; but it also happen in other people. Smoking is a major cause of cancer…
Category: Lung Cancer
Get the information about lung cancer like lung cancer symptoms, causes, treatment, alternate treatment etc. Browse for more information about lung cancer.
Second-Line Treatment for Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer a dangerous disease but curable with proper guidance. As you regularly reading about lung cancer in this blogs previous posts, also you read about systemic therapy in “Systemic Therapy for…
First-Line Treatment for Lung Cancer
Lung cancer a dangerous disease, everybody get scared of this disease. Due to lack of knowledge about its treatment people lose hope, while they got diagnosed by lung cancer; but there are…
Lung Cancer In Pregnant Women
It is rare that pregnant women have lung cancer, but there may be a chance of having lung cancer during pregnancy. It occurs only in 1 out of 1000 pregnant women. It…
Red and Processed Meat Can Cause Cancer According to WHO
Lung cancer is mainly caused by asbestos or smoking cigarette, but you don’t know that red meat or processed meat can also cause lung cancer. According to International Agency for Research on…
Systemic Therapy for Advance Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a dangerous disease and to get cured from this patients need proper treatment and when it’s on advance stage it more necessary to get proper treatment. There are lots of…
Recurrent Carcinoid Tumor
Once you fully cure from lung carcinoid tumor, there may be a chance that it comes back and this comeback of carcinoid tumor is called recurrence. It’s very rear that after treatment…
Palliative Procedures for Lung Carcinoid Tumor Symptoms
Treatments like Palliative Procedures are only done when lung cancer patient can’t have surgery; this is because patient’s lungs functioning is reduced, or have other serious medical problems, or cancer spread too…
Treatments For Lung Carcinoid Tumor
As described on my previous posts about Lung Carcinoid Tumor symptoms, types and tests for diagnoses, now this post I am going to discuss its treatments and their effect. Lung Carcinoid Tumor…
Other Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor
1. Sputum Cytology: Imaging scan shows a detail and exact position about tumor but even then it is hard for doctors to tell it’s a carcinoid lung cancer or other kind of…
Biopsies for Lung Carcinoid Tumor
This test is done for finding the exact type of lung cancer. Biopsies are the process of taking small amount of cells from tumor and examine them under microscope. Follow are the…
Imaging Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor
In imaging tests x-rays, radioactive particles, or other means are used by which picture of inner body is created. This test is performed for examining the suspected area of lung might be…