Lung cancer is not only restricted to smokers but non-smokers are also getting trapped in its vicious circle. Air pollution is the main reason behind lung cancer among non-smokers. According to the…
Importance of Staying Mentally Strong for Lung Cancer Patients
Lung cancer is the leading cause behind cancer-related deaths worldwide. It has been found that how two patients of similar ages and same diagnosis with same level of treatment, experience vastly different…
Understanding Lung Cancer in Young Adults
Although lung cancer disease is considered as older person’s disease, but recent studies have revealed that it is also increasing at an alarming rate among young adults as well. Also, the risk…
Blood Test Using Tumor DNA Can Predict Lung Cancer
In a Cancer Research UK funded study, scientists from the Francis Crick Institute, UCL, UCLH and Personalis have found that a test for detecting circulating tumor DNA can help in predicting lung…
New Test Oracle To Predict Survival in Early-Stage Lung Cancer
Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and University College London Cancer Institute have demonstrated that ORACLE test can better predict clinical outcomes for patients with early-stage lung cancer in comparison with other…
Metformin Appears To Fight Lung Cancer But Only In Overweight Patients
Metformin is a common drug prescribed for patients with Type 2 patients to lower their blood sugar. It is a FDA approved drug since 1995 and is used by about 20 million…
Self Care During and After Lung Cancer Treatment
Having being diagnosed with lung cancer kills you both mentally and physically. One of the biggest factors that help you to successfully survive is your self motivation. It is vital to keep…
FDA Approves New Drug for Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes behind cancer related deaths. Various studies and research works are going on to help lung cancer patients to get cure from this disease. Time-to-time,…
Taking Care of your Lungs during Winter Season
Whether it is summer or winter, people with lung disease need to pay attention to the weather changes. As winter is approaching, air becomes colder and pose a great risk to the…
Simple Urine Test for Early Detection of Lung Cancer
Scientists have developed a world-first urine test to indicate the possible signs of lung cancer. This urine test has been developed by Cambridge scientists and is said to be first of its…
Lung Cancer Screening : What to Expect
According to National Cancer Institute of US, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in the country. One of the vital factors that contribute towards its survival is early…
Study Utilizes Nanomedicine Using Gas Bubbles For Lung Cancer Treatment
Lung cancer is the most common forms of cancer and the leading cause of deaths. A recent study has been published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. According to this study,…