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As you read about Lung Carcinoid Tumor in previous post – in this post you read about this third type of tumor – a very rear type of lung cancer, also you read about its signs/symptoms but to know about tests by which this type of tumor diagnosed is also helpful.
To diagnose your tumor doctor asks for your medical history and family history, also he listen to your lungs and examine your breathing. After seeing your symptoms and examine your breathing, if doctor suspects that there is a problem with your lungs, he will ask you for more tests. These tests clarify that you have lung carcinoid tumor or not; these are as follows:
Imaging Tests:
In imaging tests x-rays, radioactive particles, or other means are used by which picture of inner body is created. This test is performed for examining the suspected area of lung might be tumor; how much tumor is spread or to determine is treatment has been effective. For detail read our post “Imaging Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor”.
Sputum Cytology:
Imaging scan shows a detail and exact position about tumor but even then it is hard for doctors to tell it’s a carcinoid lung cancer or other kind of lung test. For this doctor need to see the sample of abnormal cells under microscope, and sputum cytology is one way of doing this test. For detail read our post “Other Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor”.
This test is done for finding the exact type of lung cancer. Biopsies are the process of taking small amount of cells from tumor and examine them under microscope. For detail read our post “Biopsies for Lung Carcinoid Tumor”.
Blood and Urine Tests:
Carcinoid tumors are hidden chemicals into blood, so blood and urine tests are sometime helpful for detecting the Lung Carcinoid Tumor type. For detail read our post “Other Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor”.
Pulmonary Function Tests:
After detecting Lung Carcinoid Tumor, Pulmonary Function Tests is often taken to know how well your lung is performing. For detail read our post “Other Tests for Lung Carcinoid Tumor”.