There can be a connection between shoulder pain and lung cancer. In some cases, the shoulder pain may be the result of lung cancer while in some; it could be due to…
Tag: Signs of Lung Cancer
Simple Diamond Gap Finger Test Could Reveal Signs of Lung Cancer
Early diagnosis of lung cancer helps to increase the survival rate among the patients. However, the most difficult part is identifying the disease at an early stage. Lung cancer symptoms may or…
Researchers to Find the Early Signs of Lung Cancer Spread
In the recent studies, researchers could be able to predict if the lung cancer will spread using a blood sample or tumor sample. Three separate scientific papers have been published that delved…
Is Change in Voice An Early Sign of Lung Cancer?
Lung Cancer is a deadly disease that may not produce any noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Most people are not diagnosed with lung cancer until the disease has moved to an…
7 Warning Signs of Lung Cancer among Women
Lung cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer in both men and women. But, as far as the symptoms are concerned, they differ in both genders. Here, we list…
Palliative Procedures for Lung Carcinoid Tumor Symptoms
Treatments like Palliative Procedures are only done when lung cancer patient can’t have surgery; this is because patient’s lungs functioning is reduced, or have other serious medical problems, or cancer spread too…
Lung Carcinoid Tumor
Lung Carcinoid Tumor also called lung neuroendocrine tumors because it is made up of neuroendocrine cells; is a slow-growing uncommon tumor and less than 5% lung cancer patients are affected from this….
Things to Know About Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer everybody heard this phrase and gives shocking reaction as they see any ghost. Lung cancer is not that much dangerous as people think, now many researches are done; lots of…
Lung Cancer Awareness
Lung cancer is the most leading cause of death among men and women. There are many drugs, treatments about lung cancer; also so many researches are done and ongoing. But there are…
Lung Cancer: Tips To Stay Healthy
No one selects to have lung cancer. But once you have it, you can choose how you will face it. Look for possibilities to apply the information from this post as you…
Lung Cancer Can Be Hidden For 20 Years Without Any Symptom
According to new study, lung cancer shows no signs; even it cannot be diagnosed for up to 20 years. It can be hidden and grow internally with in you without showing any…
Signs and Symptoms of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Having talked about non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and its types, now we are focusing on the causes and symptoms of NSCLC. A number of factors are responsible for developing lung cancer….