Detecting Lung Cancer Symptoms Generally, lung cancer symptoms do not appear unless the disease is at its advanced stage. Another problem that one faces in early detection of this deadly disease is…
Lung Cancer Progression Rate
The progression of lung cancer depends on the growth rate of the cancer tumor. The survival of patients with lung cancer issues reduces as the year passes by, giving rise to the…
Lung Cancer in Women
Obviously, lung cancer in women differs from lung cancer in men; female lung cancer is always at its high level, because the body structure of women tends to favor the progress of…
Lung Cancer in Men
About 90% of lung cancer in men is as a result of smoking; this implies that if men could stop smoking, then the risk of lung cancer can be effectively reduced and…
Lung Cancer Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are new treatments of lung cancer invented in order to improve already existing treatments. These new treatments are usually tested on patients whose lung cancer condition is not improving with…
Common Causes of Lung Cancer
There are so many causes of lung cancer, but there are some common causative factors which lead to lung cancer. Common causes of lung cancer are so common that it is being…
Last Stages of Lung Cancer
The last stages of lung cancers are the most dreadful period for the patients. In these stages, the cancer becomes difficult to control. Treatments for the last stages of lung cancer are…
Improving Lung Cancer Treatment
Besides clinical trials which serves as a kind of improvement in the treatment of lung cancer, there are other certain treatments and drugs that have been discovered in order to boost the…
Stage 4 Lung Cancer Symptoms
Stage four lung cancer is the final stage of the non-small lung cancer. It is at this stage that cancer is fully metastasized and spreads to other organs in the body. As…
Stage 3 Lung Cancer Symptoms
Stage three lung cancer symptoms are the symptoms which indicate that the occurrence of advance stage. Stage three lung cancer is of two types which are stage 3A and stage 3B, each…
How Lung Cancer Spreads
Lung cancer spreading to other parts of the body signifies that the disease has developed to a critical stage. When lung cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is always…
Types of Lung Cancer Treatments
Affirmatively, there are various treatment options available to successfully get rid of cancer, but in spite of the various treatment available, the chances of a victim surviving it is still slim. People…