Lung cancer is the leading cause behind cancer-related deaths worldwide. It has been found that how two patients of similar ages and same diagnosis with same level of treatment, experience vastly different results. The main reason behind this is the person’s willingness to stay strong and his mental health. When one is prepared to fight against anything be it Lung cancer, his willingness and positive attitude can bring lot of positive changes in his life.
In various recent studies, it has been found that the psychological and physical elements of the body are not separate. The person’s responsiveness to medicine and treatment depends on his mental health as well. The health condition is the blend of many things including physical and environmental factors, emotional and psychological factors. The nutritional habits and exercise patterns also play a pivotal role.
When one comes to know about Lung cancer, it takes a psychological toll on the person. Coping up with illness is a full-time job and you need to work towards it strongly and positively. Some of the ways include sharing with your family or friends about your feelings. It is essential to take your feeling out. You should also seek peer support via groups. It is also useful to find a therapist who has experience in dealing with similar cases. If after taking essential support, you still feel your emotional well-being is not managed, you should contact your physician or psychiatrist to see what can be done including some medications. You should always try to have honest discussions with your healthcare providers about how you feel. Getting enough sleep, right nutrition, and exercise plays an important role in helping you to stay positive.
The information shared in this blog is for educational purposes only. You should always consult your healthcare provider for any medical needs.
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