Coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID 19, has rapidly evolved into a worldwide pandemic. It has become a public health emergency of international concern. Irrespective of the medical history, everyone needs to be cautious at this time. Lung cancer patients should take extra precautions as right now, there’s no clarity as to which specific types of therapy may affect risk.
Lung cancer patients need to protect themselves by preventing transmission of the virus. The general guidelines include washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds or using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol after sneezing, blowing your nose, touching surfaces in public place and after coughing also. In addition to this, social distancing is also recommended. One should stay at home and avoid going to public transportation and events.
Lung cancer patients who are on chemotherapy are more concerned about becoming sick as infections are higher. The patients reduce their ability to mount an immune response to fight certain infections. For all those having immunotherapy or radiation therapy, need to be extra cautious and should always cover their face with mask.
The patients who are sick with COVID-19 are those having existing chronic issues especially respiratory issues. Chronic respiratory issues from surgery may mean one is at higher risk for becoming sicker from COVID-19. Thus, lung cancer patients need to maintain good lung health, while staying at home. They should start a regular exercise routine including core exercises, breathing exercises etc. One should also keep walking around, in indoors only.
The information shared in this blog is solely for informational use only. They are not a substitute for medical advice. If you have any specific questions about your situation, please consult your physician immediately. Please stay at home and stay safe!