Smoking cigarette, cigars or any other tobacco substance that contains carcinogen is the most common cause of lung cancer. People who indulges in the act of smoking expose their lungs to cancer attack. The more often a person smokes, the higher the risk of having lung cancer. Cigarette smoking is the principal risk factor for the cause of lung cancer, being expose to tobacco smoke without smoking it can also cause lung cancer.
Consequently, smoking can cause cancer to show up with in your body and also prevent your body immune system from fighting it. The carcinogen contained in the cigarette smoke weakens the body immune system making it unable to fight and kill cancer cells. The inability of the immune system to defend the body makes cancer cells to keep growing without control.
Statistically, 9 out of every 10 lung cancer is caused by smoking cigarette, smokers have greater percentage of developing lung cancer than non-smokers. Patients whose lung cancer is caused by smoking are likely to die quicker than those whose lung cancer is not as a result of smoking. There are some specific symptoms of lung cancer that are mostly experienced by patients who smoke, such symptoms include chronic cough, chest pain, hoarseness, and body weakness. It is possible for non-smokers to have these symptoms, but it is very common in smokers and passive smokers. Lung cancer and smoking is related, that is why majority of lung cancer disease is caused by smoking.
Smokers and those exposed to tobacco smoke should beware of smoking lung cancer symptoms, constant cough should raise concern of lung cancer to a smoker and passive smokers because it is the most common lung cancer symptom related to smoking. A sure way of decreasing the risk of developing lung cancer is by staying away from cigarette and other things that exposes our body to the harmful effect of carcinogens as they damage cells in the lungs to form cancer tumor.