Although lung cancer disease is considered as older person’s disease, but recent studies have revealed that it is also increasing at an alarming rate among young adults as well. Also, the risk factors and types of lung cancer are also different among young. Lung cancer among women is also at an alarming rate. The most common type of lung cancer predominant along adults under 35 is adenocarcinoma. Higher rates of adenocarcinoma have been demonstrated in younger patients, irrespective of the gender.
In contrast to the older adults, lung cancer at younger age attribute to environmental risk factors beyond smoke exposure such as radon gas and air pollution. This requires a tailored approach towards lung cancer treatment. Lung cancer in young adults is a distinct entity and requires exploring its clinical and molecular characteristics. There’s need to understand this under-researched population. Studies suggest that lung cancer among young has distinguishable characteristics including gender, smoking status, gas exposure and tumor stage.
Notably, the rates of lung cancer in women are also increasing and this trend is replicated among young people as well. Genetics is also believed to play an important role in lung cancer among young. The gene mutations responsible for that include EGFR mutations, ROS1 rearrangement and ALK rearrangement. Family history is also an important risk factor. Having a parent or sibling with lung cancer increases the risk of disease.
It has been found that lung cancer among younger people tend to have it detected at more advanced stage. Metastasis is the spread of cancer from primary tumor location. In young people, metastasis generally affect the pleura which is the lining of the lungs.
The information shared in this blog is for educational purposes only.
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