People with lung cancer experience several different types of symptoms depending on a number of factors such as the location of tumor, how widespread the tumor is and the stage of lung cancer. Lung cancer may spread to any other parts of the body as well. It commonly spreads to the lymph nodes, other parts of lungs, liver, brain, bones and structures near the kidneys. Lung cancer is among the most common cancers in men and fifth most common among women. Even lung cancer causes more cancer-related deaths in women than breast cancer. Lung cancer is strongly associated with cigarette smoking, with about 90% of lung cancers arising from tobacco use. Non-smokers have also reported lung cancer due to other causes of lung cancers such as exposure to asbestos, chemicals, air pollution and other factors.
In the early stage of lung cancer, there are generally no symptoms. The symptoms and signs of lung cancer may take years to develop and they may not appear until the disease is advanced. Everyone should be aware of how their body feels and timely report if any abnormal feelings are there. The unusual feelings are often contributed to causes such as bronchitis.
Lung cancer symptoms that are in the chest:
- Coughing that doesn’t go away. Cancer patients often experience coughing especially if it persists or becomes intense.
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing up phlegm or coughing up blood
- Changes in voice: the voice may become hoarse
- Change in color or volume of sputum
- Pain in the chest, shoulder and back
- Recurrent lung problems, like bronchitis and pneumonia
Signs of lung cancer that may occur elsewhere in the body:
- Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss
- Muscle wasting
- Fatigue
- Headaches, bone or joint pain
- Neurological symptoms, such as memory loss
- General weakness
Lung cancer that spreads to more than one area can cause further breathing difficulties, headache, weakness and speech difficulties. When any unusual symptoms faced, you should immediately report to your doctor.