Massage Therapy is often included as a part of lung cancer treatment. It is a form of structure touch and is used to relax the body and mind while enhancing your mood. If we talk about the types of massage therapies, there are many types of therapies. Some are soft while others can be more active. But, the ultimate aim of therapies is to enhance the quality of life. For many lung cancer patients, the muscle-pain, breathing and sleeping issues are common side effects. They often feel pain in the nerves or in muscles, upper back and shoulders etc. Massage on the other hand, helps ease that pain.
You should consult your therapist for the right massage therapy and avoid any areas affected by cancer. These therapists are well trained and qualified and have knowledge of cancer and its treatment. One of the most common types of massages is the Swedish massage which is a full over body massage. Then, there’s a deep issue massage or neuromuscular massage as well.
You should avoid massage therapy as treatment of lung cancer in following cases:
- To sensitive areas
- To areas treated with radiotherapy
- Have bone fractures
- Areas affected by cancer
- In case of low platelet count
- Have heart problems
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding
So, you should always talk to your doctor before start using any type of massage therapy. It is vital to ensure that the therapist is fully qualified and experienced.
Even though there’s no scientific evidence that massage can treat cancer but is commonly used to help people feel better while reducing the symptoms of cancer. Many studies suggest that people having lung cancer are suggested massage therapy to reduce symptoms like pain, nausea, fatigue etc.
All information offered in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.
What are your views of using alternative therapy of lung cancer? Let us know in the comments!
The information offered in this blog is for educational purposes only and is certainly not a substitute for the treatment going on. Always consult your health practitioner for medical advice.