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Stage 2 non-small cell lung cancer is the stage where the tumor is present in lung and has spread to local lymph nodes but not further than that. Stage II non-small cell lung cancer is further divided into stage IIA and stage IIB. These stages are each divided into two sections depending on the size of tumor:
Stage IIA
Where the tumor is not larger than 5cm and has not spread to lymph nodes is classified under Stage IIA lung cancer. When one or more of the following is true then it is categorized under Stage IIA non small cell lung cancer:
- Size of tumor is less than 5 centimeters
- Lung cancer has spread to the innermost layer of membrane covering the lung
- Where the cancer spreads to main bronchus and is at least 2 centimeters below the trachea joining the bronchus.
- When part of the lung collapsed or developed inflammation of lung in area where trachea is joining the bronchus
When cancer has not spread to lymph nodes, then one or more of following is true:
- The size of tumor is more than 5 centimeters but smaller than 7 centimeters.
- When cancer spreads to innermost layer of membrane covering the lung
- If the cancer has spread to main bronchus and is at least 2 centimeters below the area where trachea joins the bronchus.
- Last but not the least is the case where part of the lung has collapsed in area where trachea joins bronchus while not involving the entire lung.
Stage IIB
In stage IIB lung cancer, the cancer has spread to nearby lymph modes and is tumor size is between 5cm – 7cm. Cancer spreads to innermost layer of the membrane covering the lung. When one or more of the following is true, it is categorized under Stage IIB lung cancer:
- Size of tumor is between 5 centimeters to 7 centimeters
- Cancer spreads to main bronchus and is at least 2 centimeters below the area where trachea joins the bronchus
- Cancer spreads to innermost layer of membrane
- Where part of the lung has collapsed in area where trachea joins the bronchus.
When lung cancer has not spread to lymph nodes, one or more of the following is true and are categorized under Stage IIB lung cancer:
- Size of tumor is more than 7 centimeters
- Cancer has spread to main bronchus and does not involve diaphragm or chest wall.
- One or more separate tumors in same lobe of lung
- When the cancer has spread to the membrane around the heart.
TNM System
The stages of lung cancer are categorized on the basis of TNM system where T refers to the size of tumor and N refers to involvement of any lymph nodes and M refers to the metastases that spread tumor to other parts of the body. Stage 2 lung cancer in terms of TNM system is:
2A: T1A/1BN1M0
This implies that tumor is less than 3cm and it has spread to nearby lymph nodes.
2A: T2AN1M0
Here, tumor is more than 3cm but less than 5cm in size. The cancer has spread to main bronchus and is at least 2cm below the carina. The cancer spreads to the lining of the lung.
2B: T2N1M0
This is the stage where tumor is greater than 3cm but less than 7cm in size. The tumor has spread to local lymph nodes. Here, the cancer has spread to the lining of the lung.
2B: T3N0M0
The tumor is greater than 7cm in size. Though it has not spread to lymph nodes but is in the airway or has spread to nearby areas. The airways are blocked such that the entire lung could collapse.
You can also check out the treatment options available for stage II non small cell lung cancer.