Lung Cancer is a deadly disease that worsens the functioning and health of the lungs. In addition to the regular cancer treatment, the ayurvedic herbs are also increasingly being used. Such herbal…
Lung Cancer Survivor!!!
Lung Cancer Survivor!!! 🏩💊💉 Share your story at!!! We post it here to inspire others!!! #lungcancersurvivor
Drug: Etopophos (Etoposide Phosphate) to Treat SCLC
Etopophos for SCLC Small-Cell Lung Cancer cases are on the rise. Etopophos is a chemotherapy drug used for prevention of cancer cells. It is approved for the treatment of small cell lung…
Ayurvedic Herb Bhruhat-Kantakari (Solanum indicum) For Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the lungs. There are two types of cancer: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. We often discuss…
Drug: Doxorubicin Hydrochloride to Treat SCLC
Doxorubicin Hydrochloride is a useful drug that is used in the treatment of various cancers such as breast, ovarian, bladder, lung, and thyroid and stomach cancers. Today, we are focusing on the…
Brachytherapy for Lung Cancer Treatment
Lung cancer treatment start with the detailed staging scans as it is very necessary to know the stage and exact location of the cancer affected area. The treatment options depend on this…
Ayurvedic Drug: Ras-Sindur to Treat Lung Cancer
Ayurvedic medicines are increasingly being used in lung cancer treatment as an additional therapy. These are given in addition to the standard line of treatment. The purpose behind its usage is to…
Drug: Paclitaxel Albumin-stabilized Nanoparticle Formulation to Treat NSCLC
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths all over the world. The treatment selection depends on a number of factors from history of patient to performance status to age, health…
Ayurvedic Herb Hirak Rasayan for Lung Cancer
Ayurveda for Lung Cancer When it comes to lung cancer cure, Ayurveda is playing an important role. It has come up as a big relief for cancer patients as it has shown…
Celery Helps To Fight the Risk of Lung Cancer
Many foods offer a number of benefits while some stand out from the crowd by helping us in fighting against deadly diseases. One of them is Celery. It is not only good…
Ayurvedic Herb Kushtha (Saussurea lappa) For Lung Cancer
The ayurvedic herbal plants are increasingly being used in the treatment of lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the deadliest diseases and cigarette smoking is the leading cause behind it. Ayurvedic…
Drug: Mustargen (Mechlorethamine Hydrochloride) to Treat NSCLC
Mechlorethamine Hydrochloride to Treat NSCLC Mechlorethamine Hydrochloride is a type of chemotherapy and is used to treat lung cancer. The brand name is Mustargen. It is approved to treat cancer associated with…